Product Detail: Square Large Size Calendar Magnet - 20 Mil

Square Large Size Calendar Magnet - 20 Mil

SKU: #SS17679
Prices by quantity
Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000
Unit Price $1.08 $0.80 $0.61 $0.55 $0.44

Use flexible magnets and your contacts or customers will be sure to hang them to their refrigerators and filing cabinets. Magnets are customizable for your business message stock images and patterns are also available for your use.

Size: 4"W x 4"H

Production Time: Standard production for this product is 7 business days upon proof approval. This does not include transit time.

Your Price:
Subtotal: $270.00
Setup Fees: $40.00

Total Price: $310.00

Ordering is fast and easy! Our in-house graphic artists will prepare a virtual proof for you within one business day.

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